Marketing & Services

What Other Services Do You Offer?

We are primarily known for Website Design, but you’ll soon realize that we do so much more! 

Other Services

Business Documents

Whether you have new documents that need to be created for your business, or you have outdated ones that need to be updated, I have your back. I can design custom forms to stationary and more. (Ususally a 1-2 Hour Service)

Business Documents being reviewed by other companies.

Facebook Business Pages

We are happy to help create your Facebook Business page (or update it).
We also offer Social Media Management services where we can answer questions, and make consistent posts for you!

Google My Business

We can create or update your Google My Business (must have a business address that is not residential to have Google My Business). This is great for SEO and having customers find your business quickly! 

Online Magazines

Want to advertise your business in a fun new digital way, why not a digital magazine! Business with a lot of partners or affilates love this to promote their business and connecting businesses! Timing Depends on length of magazine.

Woman by the pool reading a digital magazine.


We can photoshop things from family photos, realestate images (adding/removing furniture or dirt), to selling vehicles and removing things out of the background, to old photo restoration and more. We cleaned up this photo (removed dirt, yellow stans, and bronze coloring) and added in a clock, frame decor and couch per the apartment complex’s instructions. Timing depends on amount of photos and work that needs to be done.

Advertising Document

We absolutely love designing business advertisements for our clients! This are easier to read than a business card, and also have additional information! 

AME Cleaning Business Document Designed by Legacy Design Solutions.Build Your Website Package

Email Marketing

Need to promote your business via email marketing. We are happy to help configure the product, and design the campaigns. We also offer reoccuring monthly services for this as well.


Need a Brochure Advertisment for your office or to share, let’s design one for you!

Brochure Advertisement being passed around to share.


Majority of our designs are using Illustrator. We have done things from business documents, to flow charts, posters, and more. 

Logo Designs

Need a Logo! Sure thing! We custom design them! This way your logo is completely unique and is not copied like what most D-I-Y builders do! We can also edit current logos to remove backgrounds and more!

Social Media Advertisements

Need to promote your business but don’t have the time? We can design beautiful promotions for you! Checkout our social media for “Small Business Sunday” where you can enter to win a free social media advertisement! 

Business Menus

Need a business menu for print or to send to a sign company! Look no further! 

Business Cards

Although we don’t print business cards, we can design custom business cards to match your business theme. 

Legacy Design Solutions Business Card